What is cloud computing? Here is a set of ideas that delves into this technological model so that anyone can understand.

cloud computing
The term cloud computing refers to a technological concept and a business model that meets as diverse as storage ideas, communications between computers, provision of services or methodologies application development, all under the same concept: everything happens in the cloud.

Trying to engage all these issues with a view to defining what is the cloud compunting , perhaps we should stop for a moment and define the concept of cloud or, to be more exact, Internet. Internet, defined by a deliberately simple, it is a set of computers, spread across the world and united by a dense mesh communications, offering spaces for information to anyone who has access . Access to the information that we provide the computers that make up the Internet is “transparent”, ie, is not relevant to the user the place where the information is physically housed. Hence Internet is represented in a universal way, as a cloud accessed for information and services.

Not everything that happens on the Internet is cloud computing , the Internet is a universe that basically offers two things: publishing information and service offering. It can be stated that the mere publication of information is not part of the model of cloud computing , so with this, we get a first boundary that separates what is within our exercise to define what is not. Therefore let ‘s focus on services.

“Not everything that happens on the Internet is’ cloud computing “

Internet is also a great market for services of different nature and format that could divide into two groups, based on the use that is given on the web: services using the network as a channel and those found on the network and They offer own resources . Regarding the former, consider a bank that offers transactional services, virtual offices customer service, sales channels or auction … Actually internet utility in these processes is nothing but a mere communication channel. These services are not considered cloud computing .

Regarding services found on the network and offer own resources include services hosting that allow us to store information outside of our computers, ie on servers in the cloud and you can access through one communications network. Another example would be e – mail service, in this case everything, both the application we use as data exchanged with our recipients are stored in the cloud. These services itself can be considered cloud computing .

Therefore, and in short everything discussed above, we could define cloud computing as a technology concept and a business model in which storage services, access and use of essentially rooted computing resources on the network are provided , in which the concept of channel is a mere instrument.

Cloud Computing: Types of Service

And what network resources are provided as a service? We can consider three basic types of services that constitute the business model computing cloud and that within the computer vocabulary has been called the generation “As a service” (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).

For the definition of these terms follow the path taken by the data from our computers to the cloud, starting with the most related to machines (hardware) services to reach the most logical nature (software) through which make possible these latest (development tools).

Infrastructure as a Service

Offer customers storage space or processing power on their servers. So the user will have available “unlimited hard drive capacity” and an almost infinite processor performance, only restricted to their economic capacity of contracting the service. This service is based on access to the use of cloud-based hardware.

Platform as a Service

The service platform provides the tools for carrying out IT development users, so that those can build their applications or pieces of software without having to purchase and deploy on their desktop computers such tools. This service has two distinct advantages for the application developer: no need to purchase expensive licenses for development tools market and, on the other hand, the service provider ensures that these tools are in the best position maintenance.

Software as a Service

In the top of the usual classifications of components of the computing world are the end point applications; finished products that offer specific services for which they were developed. These applications are endless in its different natures and uses. The service offered as SaaS is directly in use by the end user of the services offered by these applications, located on the provider’s servers cloud with a billing mechanism (if not a free service) more or less simple pay per use.

Cloud Computing: Types of Cloud

The fact that the information handled temporarily or permanently reside on servers in the cloud leads to different formats such services offer privacy that users can choose. Therefore several cloud models as spaces for development of the services offered arise. Would:

Public clouds

Users access shared services so without a comprehensive control over the location of the information that resides on the provider’s servers. The fact whether public is not synonymous with unsafe.

Private clouds

For customers who need, for the criticality of information that manage infrastructure, platform and applications exclusive use.

Hybrid clouds

Combine features of the two previous ones, so that part of the service can be offered privately (eg infrastructure) and another part on a shared basis (eg development tools).

Five essential characteristics that must fulfill a service to qualify as ‘Cloud Computing’

So much for the definition of cloud computing from an informal hearing. To defined formality will turn to an agency internationally renowned, NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Department of Commerce of the United States of America to name the five essential characteristics that must meet to be considered a service cloud .

Self on demand

A user should be able to, unilaterally, provided with computing resources such as processing time or storage capacity to the extent of their needs without human intervention service provider is required.

Broad network access

The services provided should be able to be accessed through standard mechanisms and from heterogeneous platforms (eg computers, mobile phones or tablets).

Common resource allocation

Resources are made available to consumers on a model of timeshare, assigning and reassigning physical or logical devices in response to the demand for such consumers. In this sense, the user has no strict control over the exact place where you find your information, although it should be able to specify a minimum level of performance (eg, a country, a state or processing center specific data).

Quick elasticity

Resource capabilities provided to users should be able to grow or shrink on demand quickly thereof, including by automated processes.

Measurable service

Systems cloud should monitor and optimize their capabilities giving itself to measure its performance at a sufficient level of abstraction to the nature of the service provided resources. Furthermore such control should be allowed to be reported in a transparent manner both the service provider and the consumer of it.

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